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The 9U division plays 4 innings per game. There are 60 ft between bases and 42 ft from pitching rubber to home plate. Pitchers are used for the first 2 innings and a pitching machine is used for the last 2 innings. There is a maximum run limit of 2 runs per inning for inning 1 & 2 and 4 runs for the final two, except in the final inning where a modified open inning can be played. No lead-offs or base stealing is allowed. No more than 10 players on the field at one time and no more than 6 infielders including pitcher and catcher with 4 outfielders.

Age Requirements

Age limits for this division are 7/8 years old.

For next season, April, you will have to be 7 or 8 as of December 31st

Q - When is registration?

A - Registration opens November, and will be open until February 21st

Q - How much does it cost to play?

A - Registration prices are as follows...

Early Bird -$262 (Nov 15 - Dec 15)

Regular -$287 (Dec 16 - Jan 31)

Late - $322 (Feb 1 - Feb 15)

**Registration Refund Policy- Cancelations during Early Bird period will incur a $50 administrative fee. $150 will be deducted from any cancelation between the Regular and Late registration period. Any cancelation once registration has closed will be a forfeit of your entire registration fee.

Q - What kind of commitment does 9U require? How many days per week?

A - The short answer is 2 days a week. 1 x 1-2 hr practice on a weeknight and 1 x 1.5 hr game on the weekend. You may also have the odd game during the week. The schedule is not set for the Spring Season yet but we will send out more info when we have it. 

Q - Where do we practice and play games?

A - Ed Fisher Park , AT Gordon Field and JDF Rec. 

Q - How long is the season?

A - The Season will run from approximately April 9th until June 25th

Q - What equipment does my child require?

A - The only must haves are a batting helmet, glove, water bottle and protective cup. Each team is provided a gear bag with a team bat and catchers gear for everyone to use however most kids have their own bats. Baseball pants and cleats are recommended. 

Q - What are my volunteer requirements?

A - We will be going back to our 1 volunteer shift per registered child (up to a max of 2). This could be in the concession, at a tournament or various other events. For those planning on doing your volunteer duties, we will send info at a later date on when we will be collecting these checks leading up to the season. You will have the option to buy out your volunteer duties should that be of interest, the buy-out fee will once again be $200 per child registered up to 2 kids max per family. To be clear, we don't want your money, we would much rather have the support as there is a lot that goes into these activities and as our club and community continues to grow, so will the amount of things we have to do to make this all run smoothly. You will have the option to pay the buy-out fee during the registration process or at any time as a stand alone item in our web store. Checks will be collected at the preseason Meet & Greet where you will meet your Coaches, team and receive your uniforms. 

Q - What are my fundraising requirements?

A - Fundraising has been rolled into registration this year. 

Bat Sizing

Max Bat Length: 30"

Max Barrel Width: 2 5/8"

Max Drop Weight: Unlimited (The difference between the bat length and weight. ie. 30" Long x 20 oz is a "drop 10")

Notes: Bats with greater than 2 1/4" barrel must be marked with "BPF 1.15" or "USABB" Logo.

If you have any questions about the 9U program, please contact...

9U Director 

Brad Boyd

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